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This is the thirty-third annual report of St. Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem, PA, created in 1907 and prepared for the Board of Trustees. This report includes the Treasurer's report, statistical report of the cases treated at the hospital, the Dispensary Department report, and the Chaplain's report. This annual report also contains reports from the Director, Physician and Surgeon-in-Chief, the Ladies' Aid Society, the Fruit and Flower Mission, and the pathologist. The twenty-first annual report of the St. Luke's Hospital Training School for Nurses is also included, along with items such as the school's regulations, application for entrance, copy of diploma, a listing of the graduating class of 1906, and the graduation address given by Charles Baskerville, Ph.D. A memorial note for Samuel Thomas, a former member of the board, is also included. Donations made to the hospital are listed as well.
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