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At the time, it was the hardest decision he'd ever made. But when Peter Schwarzenberg '16 quit running cross country in his junior year, it was a move that changed his life. Today, he's a PhD candidate in mechanical engineering and mechanics developing a virtual technique that can help doctors better predict healing in tibial fractures. That research made him just one of 10 recipients in the U.S. last year of the Institute of International Education's Graduate International Research Experiences ('https://www.iie.org/Programs/Graduate-International-Research-Experience…;) program. Read 'https://engineering.lehigh.edu/news/article/fellowship-takes-phd-candid…; about Peter and the revolutionary approach he's developing at the 'https://twitter.com/DaileyOrthoLab'>@DaileyOrthoLab</a> with assistant professor of mechanical engineering and mechanics, 'https://engineering.lehigh.edu/faculty/hannah-dailey'>Dr. Hannah Dailey</a>. Tweet ideas or feedback on the show 'https://twitter.com/RossinPodcast'>@RossinPodcast.