Rossin Connection "There are positives to this." First-year engineering student Alexander Spivey talks about the challenges he faced when the coronavirus pandemic forced students to leave campus, and how he's staying focused, and positive. View Item
Rossin Connection "It's a hard time to be a senior." Seanna Corr is a bioengineering major, and a senior. She talks about the goodbyes she didn't get to say to friends and professors on campus, her worries about the future, and her two secret weapons helping her through it all. View Item
Rossin Connection "We're feeling the lack of closure." Susan Perry is a professor of practice in the bioengineering department. As the semester comes to a close, Susan shares how she figured out how to teach a lab online, how her students figured out how to build prosthetics at home, and the unusual visitor who crashed her Zoom meeting. She also has a special message for all you seniors. She understands what you're feeling because she feels it, too. View Item
Rossin Connection Hospitals are desperate for solutions. A small team at Lehigh led by Brian Slocum brings you inside their labs and work spaces to explain how they are responding to the shortage of personal protective equipment, and made more than 1200 face shields for local healthcare providers. View Item
Rossin Connection I was pleasantly surprised. Ellie Christman is a chemical engineering major and a freshman. Having to finish out her first year at Lehigh at home was a huge bummer, but she's gotten more out of remote learning than she anticipated. View Item
Rossin Connection The Journey of Onur Denizhan Onur Denizhan is a PhD student in the department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, and the recent recipient of the RCEAS Graduate Leadership and Service award. He calls the award "proof of my life at Lehigh." As an international student from Turkey, the path to such recognition hasn't always been easy. But Onur has found that his struggles have only made him stronger. View Item
Rossin Connection Caring for the COVID Convalescent Dr. David Adinaro is an alum of the Healthcare Systems Engineering program, and the<b> </b>chief medical officer of the East Orange-Alternative Care Site in East Orange, New Jersey. From early April to about mid-May, he was in the same role in the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, New Jersey, which had been converted into a temporary medical station meant to ease the burden on local hospitals overwhelmed by coronavirus patients. <b></b>Dr. Adinaro and his team care for the COVID convalescent, those in the last 5 to 7 days of their hospital stay. View Item
Rossin Connection Expanding the worldview of students On July 1st, ''>Sabrina Jedlicka</a> will become the new associate dean of academic affairs for the Rossin College. View Item
Rossin Connection Breaking the stereotype It took me a long time to find my voice in engineering, says Christina Haden, professor of practice in the department of mechanical engineering and mechanics. According to data from the American Society for Engineering Education, just 21.9 percent of engineering bachelor's degrees were awarded to women in 2018. Haden wants to change that. She helped create Lehigh Women Engineers, a three-day experience that is part of Lehigh's preLUsion program, and designed for self-identifying women. View Item
Rossin Connection Kathleen Egan: Athlete, Activist, CEO'>Kathleen Egan</a> is a surfer, skier, environmental activist, and the CEO and cofounder of ''>ecomedes</a>, a company whose mission is to reduce the cost and impact of buildings. View Item
Rossin Connection From injured runner to researcher At the time, it was the hardest decision he'd ever made. But when Peter Schwarzenberg '16 quit running cross country in his junior year, it was a move that changed his life. Today, he's a PhD candidate in mechanical engineering and mechanics developing a virtual technique that can help doctors better predict healing in tibial fractures. That research made him just one of 10 recipients in the U.S. View Item
Rossin Connection The Astronaut, Part 1'>Terry Hart </a>'68, '88H, is a Lehigh alum and a professor of practice in mechanical engineering and mechanics. He's also a former telecommunications executive, fighter pilot, and astronaut. His life is a series of remarkable stories, some of which he was planning on sharing with students as commencement speaker for the 2020 class. View Item
Rossin Connection The Astronaut, Part 2 This is the second half of our interview with professor of practice, ''>Terry Hart</a>. View Item
Rossin Connection Can cartilage be regrown? Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. It's the most common form of arthritis, and it affects more than 31 million Americans. View Item
Rossin Connection Solving life's "What if...?" problems'>Matt Bilsky</a> is a Lehigh alum and an entrepreneur. Growing up, he was constantly building and inventing things, and that creator mindset helped him not only design his own PhD program, but start two companies focused on solving those Wouldn't it be nice if...?" situations. Here's the story of how a KNEX kid became a problem-solving CEO View Item
Rossin Connection How engineers treat disease'>Anand Ramamurthi</a> is the new professor and chair of Lehigh's bioengineering department. In this episode, he talks about his research journey, and how an early fascination with the human body led to the realization that engineers can play a significant role in treating disease. View Item
Rossin Connection Coffee and Cosmetics How can we get more students interested in chemical engineering? Ask the students. The result of that somewhat novel approach is a new course called ''>Coffee and Cosmetics: Engineering of Consumer Products</a>. View Item
Rossin Connection "You are valued" When Hannah Dailey says she feels like she's been at Lehigh her whole life, she means it. She did her undergrad in mechanical engineering here, came back for her master's and PhD, and today she's an assistant professor specializing in medical devices. In this episode, she talks about her journey from "terrified" transfer student to entrepreneur to helping surgeons improve patient care. She also talks about the efforts to get more female students and faculty into mechanical engineering, and the one thing she thinks everyone needs to hear. View Item
Rossin Connection An honor, and a challenge Sibel Pamukcu is an expert in the field of electroremediation of soils and groundwater, and her pioneering research spans more than three decades of work. But Sibel is a pioneer of another sort as well. She was the first woman faculty member of the department of civil and environmental engineering. In this episode, she talks about becoming an engineer, her groundbreaking research, the challenges she faced in her early years in the department, and what she's learned from her colleagues today that could have helped her back then. View Item