[Manuscript] 1888 March, "Prayer of Cleanthus the Stoic" / John Addington Symonds.

About this Paged Content

The card upon which the poem is transcribed is headed, "Prayer of Cleanthes the Stoic" and is signed at the bottom with the date and "Davos" (Switzerland). See also Margaret Symonds' letter to the recipient of her father's translation of this poem.

The translation reads, "Lead--me God, and thou fate the daughter of God/ Whithersoever I am by you appointed to go:/ For I will follow unreluctant; and yet, should I refuse,/ Through Cowardice or sin upgrown in me, none the less shall I surely follow." Symonds is known as the author of _Studies of the Greek Poets_ (1873) as well as his translations and books about Italian sculptors Michelangelo and Benvenuto Cellini. Symonds also authored books about Greek ethics, Shakespeare, and Dante, and coauthored _Sexual Inversion_ (1897) with Havelock Ellis, and _Our life in the Swiss highlands_ (1892) with his daughter Margaret.

Full Title
[Manuscript] 1888 March, "Prayer of Cleanthus the Stoic" / John Addington Symonds.
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typma; Language; Working Writer; abyes
typma; Language; Working Writer; abyes
[1] leaf.
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Date Other
1888 March.
Symonds, . J. A. . 1840- 1893. (1888). [Manuscript] 1888 March, "Prayer of Cleanthus the Stoic" / John Addington Symonds. (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/manuscript-1888-march-prayer-cleanthus-stoic/john-addington
Symonds, John Addington 1840-1893. 1888. “[Manuscript] 1888 March, ‘Prayer of Cleanthus the Stoic’ John Addington Symonds”. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/manuscript-1888-march-prayer-cleanthus-stoic/john-addington.
Symonds, John Addington 1840-1893. [Manuscript] 1888 March, "Prayer of Cleanthus the Stoic" John Addington Symonds. Mar. 1888, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/manuscript-1888-march-prayer-cleanthus-stoic/john-addington.