[Letter] 1895 July 24, Davos Platz (Switzerland) [to] Mr. Hall / Margaret Symonds.

About this Paged Content

See also the manuscript of John Symonds' verse translation of the Prayer of Cleanthus that Margaret Symonds refers to.

Symonds is responding to Hall's query regarding the translation of the Prayer of Cleanthes (Stoic philosopher) he received from her father, John Addington Symonds, who translated classical works. Margaret states that the translation of this prayer on her father's grave appears also in his _Greek Poets_ and that he probably translated it several times in different styles. She mentions that her father always maintained that some of his best literary friends lived in America, and she also refers to an acquaintance with Robert Louis Stevenson and Duff Gordon. Margaret Symonds herself wrote _Out of the Past_ (1925) which contains an account of Janet Catherine Symonds by Mrs. Walter Leaf, and she co-authored _Our Life in the Swiss highlands_ (1892) with her father.

Full Title
[Letter] 1895 July 24, Davos Platz (Switzerland) [to] Mr. Hall / Margaret Symonds.
Member of
Attributed name: Hall, Mr.
Date Issued
Subject (Geographic)
typle; 19cty; abyes; Working Writer; Language
typle; 19cty; abyes; Working Writer; Language
[1] leaf, folded.
18 x 23 cm. folded to 18 x 12 cm.
Date Season
Record Origin

Converted from Dublin Core to MODS during migration from CONTENTdm to Islandora

Date Other
1895 July 24.
Symonds, . M. . 1869- 1925. (1895). [Letter] 1895 July 24, Davos Platz (Switzerland) [to] Mr. Hall / Margaret Symonds. (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1895-july-24-davos-platz-switzerland-mr-hall/margaret
Symonds, Margaret 1869-1925. 1895. “[Letter] 1895 July 24, Davos Platz (Switzerland) [to] Mr. Hall Margaret Symonds”. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1895-july-24-davos-platz-switzerland-mr-hall/margaret.
Symonds, Margaret 1869-1925. [Letter] 1895 July 24, Davos Platz (Switzerland) [to] Mr. Hall Margaret Symonds. 24 July 1895, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1895-july-24-davos-platz-switzerland-mr-hall/margaret.