Women of Bethlehem Steel - Lisa Szarko

About this Binary

Lisa Moyer Szarko started working for the Bethlehem Steel Corporation when she was a young mother in the late 1970s. In this interview, she reflects on the many challenges that she encountered, and learned from, during her early days at the company, including working in a male-dominated environment, sexual harassment, physically demanding labor, and difficulties finding appropriate childcare for her young son. Szarko maintains that she was willing to deal with such difficulties because of the decent wages and benefits that she received, which allowed her to support her son. She discusses the hardships that she faced after being laid off, including finding sufficient work. However, she remains optimistic, ultimately concluding that she learned much from her experiences at Bethlehem Steel, including the ability to appreciate work and life differently. While it accurately reflects what a narrator remembers (or chooses to tell) of his or her experience and viewpoints, it may not accurately represent what actually transpired or what another person may have experienced. As such users should subject interviews to the same degree of critical scrutiny they would any other historical source. This interview is part of a series of interviews conducted by Lehigh University and the Steelworkers’ Archives and supported by the Lehigh University Mellon Digital Humanities Initiative and the South Side Initiative.
Member of
Bethlehem, Pa. : Lehigh University
Date Issued
Edition Statement
reformatted digital
video file ; transcript; index
Record Origin
Converted from Dublin Core to MODS during migration from CONTENTdm to Islandora
Lisa Szarko [interviewee]; Jill Schennum [interviewer]. (2010). (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/beyond-steel/women-bethlehem-steel-lisa-szarko
Lisa Szarko [interviewee]; Jill Schennum [interviewer]. 2010. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/beyond-steel/women-bethlehem-steel-lisa-szarko.
Lisa Szarko [interviewee]; Jill Schennum [interviewer]. 2010, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/beyond-steel/women-bethlehem-steel-lisa-szarko.