Lecture 08, Part 1: Vacuum-ultraviolet transparency of silica glass and its relation to processes involving mobile interstitial species - UV transparency of silica glass

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Lecture 08, Part 1: Vacuum-ultraviolet transparency of silica glass and its relation to processes involving mobile interstitial species - UV transparency of silica glass
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Kajihara, Koichi. (2008). Lecture 08, Part 1: Vacuum-ultraviolet transparency of silica glass and its relation to processes involving mobile interstitial species - UV transparency of silica glass (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/lehigh-scholarship/programs-events/international-materials-institute-new-functionality-112-43-0-0
Kajihara, Koichi. 2008. “Lecture 08, Part 1: Vacuum-Ultraviolet Transparency of Silica Glass and Its Relation to Processes Involving Mobile Interstitial Species - UV Transparency of Silica Glass”. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/lehigh-scholarship/programs-events/international-materials-institute-new-functionality-112-43-0-0.
Kajihara, Koichi. Lecture 08, Part 1: Vacuum-Ultraviolet Transparency of Silica Glass and Its Relation to Processes Involving Mobile Interstitial Species - UV Transparency of Silica Glass. 1 Jan. 2008, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/lehigh-scholarship/programs-events/international-materials-institute-new-functionality-112-43-0-0.