
In the Face of the Junta: Political Activism in Thailand and the Junta's Response

About this Digital Document

Since the coup d'état in Thailand on May 22, 2014, Thais have lived under a junta that has restricted their personal liberties, speech and assembly. Irrespective, some Thais have resisted these limitations to make their voices heard. This research examines the actions of 356 activists who have been arrested or detained for challenging the ruling junta. By quantifying their actions, and the corresponding government reaction, this research attempts to answer if the Thai junta reacts more harshly to dissidents when events are expected or unexpected. Between the coup and the end of 2017, Thailand has faced bombings, a constitutional referendum and the death of a beloved king. What this research finds is that, yes, there is a difference between how the junta reacts to the two categories of events. Encapsulated by this study is a focused examination of dissident tactics and the interaction between pro-democracy activists and the government.
Full Title
In the Face of the Junta: Political Activism in Thailand and the Junta's Response
Thesis advisor: Deo, Nandini
Lehigh University
Date Issued
Date Valid
electronic documents
Department name
Political Science
Digital Format
electronic documents
Media type
Creator role
Graduate Student
Fittry, . D. R. (2018). In the Face of the Junta: Political Activism in Thailand and the Junta’s Response (1–).
Fittry, Dashell Robert. 2018. “In the Face of the Junta: Political Activism in Thailand and the Junta’s Response”.
Fittry, Dashell Robert. In the Face of the Junta: Political Activism in Thailand and the Junta’s Response. 1 Aug. 2018,