Lehigh Codex 20 Book of Hours, Use of Rome

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This Book of Hours was produced in France, likely in Paris, around 1420. It contains a calendar, in French, with Parisian saints (fols. 1r-12v), followed by the Gospel Lessons (fols. 13r-16v), and the Obsecro te and O intemerata (fols. 17r-23r). The core of the book is composed of the Hours of the Virgin of the Use of Rome (fols. 25r-77v); the Penitential Psalms, Litany and Prayers (fols. 79r-94r); the Hours of the Cross (fols. 94v-97r); the Hours of the Holy Spirit (fols. 97v-100r); and the Office of the Dead (fols. 100v-129v). Each of these five major sections is introduced by a large miniature representing, respectively, the Annunciation (fol. 25r), Kind David in Prayer (fol. 79r), the Crucifixion (fol. 94v), Pentecost (fol. 97v), and a Burial Scene (fol. 100v). The first four of these miniatures have diapered backgrounds. The style of the miniatures is typical of Parisian illumination of the second and third decades of the fifteenth century. The style of the miniatures is reminiscent of the so-called Luçon Master.
Full Title
Lehigh Codex 20 Book of Hours, Use of Rome
Date Issued
1420 (year approximate)
French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
codices (bound manuscripts)
Subject (Geographic)
Media type
Date Captured
Lehigh Codex 20
Phase One IQ3 100MP
197 x 143 mm bound to 209 x 151 mm
Lehigh Codex 20 Book of Hours, Use of Rome (1–). (1420). (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/medieval-manuscripts/lehigh-codex-20-book-hours-use-rome
“Lehigh Codex 20 Book of Hours, Use of Rome”. 1420. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/medieval-manuscripts/lehigh-codex-20-book-hours-use-rome.
Lehigh Codex 20 Book of Hours, Use of Rome. 1420, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/medieval-manuscripts/lehigh-codex-20-book-hours-use-rome.