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Lyman records that on July 9, 1777 there was an alarm raised in Hatfield by General Schuyler's letter calling up the militia to combat the enemy in the North. Lyman apparently accompanied the expedition, and includes notes on scouting expeditions, prisoner exchanges, and preaching on the Lord's day. He also lists accounts of attacks by Indians on settlers and military personnel (July 24, 28 and August 8). The July 28th account mentions the death of the sister of a Colonel who was brutally ravished by the English and then killed by the Indians; on that same date a man who went over to the British side to protect his wife and children, discovered that they had been scalped and killed as well. Lyman also mentions the military campaigns at Ticonderoga and Fort Edward and Stanwix as well as the movements of General Washington. A minister in Hatfield, Massachusetts, Lyman later published sermons on the advantages of wisdom, and the function of the Christian religion.
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