[Letter] Tuesday, Bath [to] [Emerson] / WS Landor [Walter Savage].

About this Paged Content

A note in pencil on the recto states that the letter was written to Emerson. The letterhead contains an indistinct seal in the upper left-hand corner.

Landor proclaims himself "highly honored" by the note Emerson has sent him, and states that "it will gratify me very much to 'see you' at Bath." Landor also notes that he can offer Emerson a bed, and tells him that he dines at the old-fashioned hour of four. This letter may have been written during Landor's early visits in Bath or during his residence there in October 1837; he was acquainted not only with the young Emerson, but also with Wordsworth, Coleridge, Dickens and Browning. A sometime dilettante, Landor lived through the French Revolution and fighting in Spain, residing in Italy and France, writing poetry in Latin, and publishing works like _Gebir_ (written mostly in 1797) and _Imaginary Conversations_ (begun in 1821). His interest in politics led him to publish _Letters of a Conservative_ (1836) which advocated radical religious reform. Emerson visited England in the early 1830s, visiting Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth, and Thomas Carlyle. Upon his return home he began writing _Nature_ , published anonymously in 1836, which established some of the core themes upon which he would expound in later writings.

Full Title
[Letter] Tuesday, Bath [to] [Emerson] / WS Landor [Walter Savage].
Member of
Subject (Geographic)
typle; abyes; 19cty; Working Writer
typle; abyes; 19cty; Working Writer
[1] leaf.
18 cm.
Date Season
Record Origin

Converted from Dublin Core to MODS during migration from CONTENTdm to Islandora

Date Other
Landor, . W. S. . 1775- 1864. (n.d.). [Letter] Tuesday, Bath [to] [Emerson] / WS Landor [Walter Savage]. (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-tuesday-bath-emerson/ws-landor-walter-savage
Landor, Walter Savage 1775-1864. n.d. “[Letter] Tuesday, Bath [to] [Emerson] WS Landor [Walter Savage]”. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-tuesday-bath-emerson/ws-landor-walter-savage.
Landor, Walter Savage 1775-1864. [Letter] Tuesday, Bath [to] [Emerson] WS Landor [Walter Savage]. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-tuesday-bath-emerson/ws-landor-walter-savage.