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Porter thanks the recipient for her letter and states that nothing but extreme illness could have kept her from responding "and even now I write from my Bed. I am sufficiently better not to be confined within it, but I am not strong enough to remain off it." She hopes to be able to receive her visitor as her illness is nothing to alarm: a combination of nervousness and rheumatism, "both of which torments wreaked their utmost malice on my unhappy head." Porter wishes her friend a pleasant two-month stay on the Continent and asks about her traveling companions. She promises to present her friend to her brother upon his return from his travels in 18 months and makes some observations on society and human nature. Porter is remembered as the author of novels like _Thaddeus of Warsaw _ (1803) and _The Scottish Chiefs_ (1804) about William Wallace. The brother referred to here may be Robert Ker Porter, the painter, to whom Jane was devoted.
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