[Letter] 1898 September 10, [Duking], [to] Mr. Russell, London / Gelett Burgess.

About this Paged Content

Autograph letter, signed.

Burgess asks if Russell has done anything with the dime novel cuts yet, and if he hasn't to send Burgess the proofs and "I will write a bloodthirsty, impossible Munchausen sort of romance using them profusely" to make an amusing book. He requests a $100 advance on 10% royalties and prophesies that whether it does well or not, it will be a "ripping good" read. He is currently working on a book of modern fairy tales called "Lively City" which might be syndicated by McClure's but if not, he offers the recipient the rights. He also asks for a statement about "Enfant Terible" regarding his current work.

Full Title
[Letter] 1898 September 10, [Duking], [to] Mr. Russell, London / Gelett Burgess.
Member of
Attributed name: Russell.
Date Issued
typle; abyes; 19cty; Working Writer
typle; abyes; 19cty; Working Writer
[1] leaf.
26 x 20 cm.
Date Season
Record Origin

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Date Other
1898 September 10.
Burgess, . G. . 1866- 1951. (1898). [Letter] 1898 September 10, [Duking], [to] Mr. Russell, London / Gelett Burgess. (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1898-september-10-duking-mr-russell-london/gelett
Burgess, Gelett 1866-1951. 1898. “[Letter] 1898 September 10, [Duking], [to] Mr. Russell, London Gelett Burgess”. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1898-september-10-duking-mr-russell-london/gelett.
Burgess, Gelett 1866-1951. [Letter] 1898 September 10, [Duking], [to] Mr. Russell, London Gelett Burgess. 10 Sept. 1898, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1898-september-10-duking-mr-russell-london/gelett.