[Letter] 1896 December 28, New Haven, Connecticut [to] Professor Chandler / W.J. Linton.

About this Paged Content

See also an additional letter from Linton to Chandler in the collection.

Linton says that he is sending Chandler the promised books "for your university." Though mainly his own work, he characterizes them as "worth having" because of their republican views and discussion of movements in Europe. They are arranged, ready for binding, which Linton guesses will be done at the University. A literary historian, wood-engraver, poet, and political reformer, Linton's began his career producing engravings for London periodicals like _The Illustrated London News_ and marrying the novelist Eliza Lynn. Relocating to America in the 1860s, Linton produced engravings for American periodicals like _Scribner's_ and taught his craft. In the late 1870s he established Appledore Press in New Haven and began publishing limited editions including his own _Love Lore_ (1887) which a pencil note on the verso indicates is the volume referred to in this letter. Among his many works are a biography of Whittier and a review: _Darwin's Probabilities_ (1896); both Whittier and Darwin are represented in the collection as well. Chandler was a chemistry professor at Lehigh.

Full Title
[Letter] 1896 December 28, New Haven, Connecticut [to] Professor Chandler / W.J. Linton.
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Date Issued
typle; abyes; 19cty; Working Writer; Lehigh History; Arts
typle; abyes; 19cty; Working Writer; Lehigh History; Arts
[1] leaf.
Date Season
Record Origin

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Date Other
1896 December 28.
Linton, . W. J. (William J. . 1812- 1897. (1896). [Letter] 1896 December 28, New Haven, Connecticut [to] Professor Chandler / W.J. Linton. (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1896-december-28-new-haven-connecticut-professor
Linton, W. J. (William James) 1812-1897. 1896. “[Letter] 1896 December 28, New Haven, Connecticut [to] Professor Chandler W.J. Linton”. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1896-december-28-new-haven-connecticut-professor.
Linton, W. J. (William James) 1812-1897. [Letter] 1896 December 28, New Haven, Connecticut [to] Professor Chandler W.J. Linton. 28 Dec. 1896, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1896-december-28-new-haven-connecticut-professor.