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See also the Stevenson family's connection to the Northern Lighthouse Board as well as a biography of Robert Stevenson and the family tree (http://www.nlb.org.uk/historical/stevenson.htm).
Alan Stevenson expresses his regrets that he will not be able to attend the Carson Class Dinner as he is leaving town, but "should otherwise, have been most happy to attend." The Carson Class Club was comprised of former students of the Edinburgh Royal High School, who had attended the classes of Dr. Aglionby Ross Carson, between 1815 and 1821. Alan worked as a lighthouse engineer on 12 lighthouses in the tradition of his father Robert Stevenson, engineer to the Northern Lighthouse Board from 1808-1842 (see also, letter from Robert Stevenson re: Bell Rock Lighthouse). Alan's brother Thomas was the father of Robert Louis Stevenson, the novelist who wrote classics like _Treasure Island_ . Recipient Robert Allan may be Robert Allan, son of famous mineralogist Thomas Allan.
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