[Letter] 1832 April 6, Oxford, [to] Thomas Allan, Esq., Edinboro / W. Buckland.

About this Paged Content

The letter has been pasted on cardboard.

Buckland writes to Allan to thank him for favors to a botany professor. He describes illustrations in a book and hopes Allan will attend the Royal Society meeting at which a lizard will be presented. Thomas Allan, who developed one of the finest collections of minerals in England, published an _Alphabetical list of the names of minerals at present most familiar in the English, French, and German languages_ (1808), and discovered the mineral Allanite which was named for him.

Full Title
[Letter] 1832 April 6, Oxford, [to] Thomas Allan, Esq., Edinboro / W. Buckland.
Member of
Date Issued
typle; abyes; 19cty; Science
typle; abyes; 19cty; Science
[1] leaf.
23 x 38 cm. folded to 23 x 19 cm.
Date Season
Record Origin

Converted from Dublin Core to MODS during migration from CONTENTdm to Islandora

Date Other
1832 April 6.
Buckland, . W. . 1784- 1856. (1832). [Letter] 1832 April 6, Oxford, [to] Thomas Allan, Esq., Edinboro / W. Buckland. (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1832-april-6-oxford-thomas-allan-esq-edinboro/w
Buckland, William 1784-1856. 1832. “[Letter] 1832 April 6, Oxford, [to] Thomas Allan, Esq., Edinboro W. Buckland”. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1832-april-6-oxford-thomas-allan-esq-edinboro/w.
Buckland, William 1784-1856. [Letter] 1832 April 6, Oxford, [to] Thomas Allan, Esq., Edinboro W. Buckland. 6 Apr. 1832, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/letter-1832-april-6-oxford-thomas-allan-esq-edinboro/w.