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See also the Stevenson family's connection to the Northern Lighthouse Board as well as a biography of Robert Stevenson and the family tree (http://www.nlb.org.uk/historical/stevenson.htm).
Stevenson reports that the center stone of Bell Rock lighthouse has been placed, and it will soon be ready. He offers specifics about the height and construction, and expresses, "It is a matter of no small gratification to me that this light-house which has engaged so much of my attention for fifteen years-- is now so near a conclusion." Robert Stevenson worked as engineer for the Northern Lighthouse Board from 1808-1842, erecting 15 lighthouses. The light at Bell Rock was his most notable. Robert also completed civil engineering work on Edinburgh roads and Hutcheson Bridge in Glasgow. His three sons: Alan, David, and Thomas, were also lighthouse engineers (see also, letter from Alan Stevenson). Thomas was the father of Robert Louis Stevenson, the novelist who wrote classics like _Treasure Island_ .
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