[Document] 1898 Mar[ch] 22. / Nikola Tesla.

About this Paged Content

The document contains no information about the addressee; it may have been part of a larger document, or preserved as part of an autograph album. For further information, see the PBS site on Tesla (http://www.pbs.org/tesla/). There is a Tesla Society in New York and a Museum in Belgrade.

Without preamble, Tesla states, "It gives me pain to realize every day that the world thinks more of me than I deserve." He appends his signature and the date to this message. Tesla's inventions include the Tesla coil used in radios as well as innovations in alternating-current and experiments with human-made lightning. Upon his death, many of Tesla's papers were missing, including any documentation that may have existed on the "death beam" he claimed to have perfected.

Full Title
[Document] 1898 Mar[ch] 22. / Nikola Tesla.
Member of
Date Issued
Subject (Name)
typep; 19cty; abyes; Science
typep; 19cty; abyes; Science
[1] leaf.
13 x 21 cm.
Date Season
Record Origin

Converted from Dublin Core to MODS during migration from CONTENTdm to Islandora

Date Other
1898 Mar[ch] 22.
Tesla, . N. . 1856- 1943. (1898). [Document] 1898 Mar[ch] 22. / Nikola Tesla. (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/document-1898-march-22/nikola-tesla
Tesla, Nikola 1856-1943. 1898. “[Document] 1898 Mar[ch] 22. Nikola Tesla”. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/document-1898-march-22/nikola-tesla.
Tesla, Nikola 1856-1943. [Document] 1898 Mar[ch] 22. Nikola Tesla. 22 Mar. 1898, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/digital-special-collections/i-remain/document-1898-march-22/nikola-tesla.