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See also other legal materials such as land deeds and a certificate of indenture in the collection.
The contract stipulates that Sleighter "Undertake to Erect & build in a Workmanlike maner[sic]" a bridge over Parkaomin Creek on Swamp Road near Sellers Tavern in Rockhill Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The bridge must be 115 feet in length and built with planks fourteen feet long and two-and-a-half inches thick. Sleighter will be paid 292 pounds and 10 shillings for this work, after the cost of materials; as guarantee, he binds himself and his heirs to the project at the "penal sum" of 600 pounds in gold or silver money. Everard Foulke (1755-1827) was the Justice of Richland Township, Bucks County (Pa.). He was involved in Fries Rebellion.
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