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1875 October 23 to I. W. Morris from Lewis A. Riley, Eng. & Supt. Green Land Company (Ashland, Pa.) re: request for land by Mahanoy City Water Co. to build a reservoir above the Oak Hollow Colliery near the Morris Colliery. 1876 August 12 from Lewis A. Riley (Ashland) to Israel W. Morris re: no objection to the location of the reservoir 1877 November 19 from Lewis A. Riley (Ashland) to Israel W. Morris re: replacing lost sketch from previous. 1879 September 29 from Will H. Carter (agent for Delano Land Co.) to Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co. (handwritten on yellow tissue paper) Re: not to make correction to or with South Mahanoy to direct creek waters and a tunnel 1879 October 2 from Will H. Carter to Israel W. Morris re: looking for a copy of Agreement in reference to water of south branch of Mahanoy Creek No Date Map 22 x 53.5 cm Lands of the Delano Land Company Plan showing the Right of Way of Water Pipes to supply the Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road Co. at the East Mahanoy Tunnel through the lands of the Delano Land Company Scale 200 feet to inch Empty envelope titled "Water Agreement Mahanoy City Water Co." in blue crayon Delano Leases 23
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