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June and August, 1883 in Minneapolis to November 10, 1885. Inside cover beneath tissue paper of drawings of Var. Mimerapolianes? is book plate Gift of Mrs. Jon Bole, red ink property mark, blue 220407, opposite page is paper label with a drawing �form reported by Wolle in this 006 x 006 Malaga. Of.p.74. July�84� with plain sheet of paper blued over this drawing Again T 580 K62m v.7 [Rev. H. D. Kitchel]. Notes made in purple ink, beautiful colored illustrations. There are 145 hand numbered pages. There are four grey tissue pages glued to back cover titled Index of Vol. VII with a penciled note written on paper stamped in blue ink R. E. Wright�s Sons Allentown, PA � the note calls to Mr. Wolle�s attention a certain Bambusina single cells in fruit��
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