Effect of SSP370 and SSP245 on the future carbon sink for the conterminous U.S.

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[2024-09-08: Added readme-2024-09-08.docx, policy_comparison.xlsx, and policy_ssp245.usa48.xlsx]

Files pertaining to submitted article Effect of SSP370 and SSP245 on the future carbon sink for the conterminous U.S. to Plants People Planet

  • ppp_tem_code.tar.gz: C++ code for version of TEM-Hydro used in this study, along with Make file and 10 xml files for each of the model experiments
  • ppp_ssp245_climate.tar.gz: climate input files for SSP245 scenarios, including both transient and constant climate (tair = surface temperature, prec = precipitation, dtr = daily temperature range, vpr = vapor pressure, clds = clouds)
  • ppp_ssp370_climate.tar.gz: climate input files for SSP370 scenarios, including both transient and constant climate (tair = surface temperature, prec = precipitation, dtr = daily temperature range, vpr = vapor pressure, clds = clouds)
  • ppp_inputs.tar.gz: other input files, including CO2 for SSP245 and SSP370, ozone (ioo3baucru_2014lf.usa48), N deposition (ndeplf_2014.usa48), average wind speed (windlf.usa48), soil texture (cruigbptxtlf.usa48), elevation (crutbaselvlf.usa48)
  • ppp_lulcc.tar.gz: land use and land cover change files and maximum cohort files for, transient for SSP370 (cruHurtt3.2.1lulccohrtsr_hurtt_out_2015_2099_fix.usa48, cruHurtt3.2.1mxcohrtsr_hurtt_out_2015_2099_fix.usa48), SSP245 (cruHurtt3.2.1lulccohrtsr_hurtt_out_2015_2099_ssp245.usa48, cruHurtt3.2.1mxcohrtsr_hurtt_out_2015_2099_ssp245.usa48) and constant (cruHurtt3.2.1lulccohrtsr_hurtt_out_2015.usa48, cruHurtt3.2.1mxcohrtsr_hurtt_out_2015.usa48)
  • ecdfiles.tar.gz: parameters used in TEM
  • datfiles.tar.gz: calibrated parameters used in TEM for each PFT
  • Time series summary statistic output for SSP245 (summary_statistics_SSP245.zip) and SSP370 (summary_statistics_SSP370.zip)
  • Mapped file for 2070-2099 means for SSP245 (maps_SSP245_2070_2099.zip, maps_SSP370_2070_2099.zip).
  • output_FUTURESSP370LULCC.USTOT_revised.xlsx: final figure data for SSP370 and comparisons with SSP245
  • output_FUTURESSP245LULCC.USTOT_revised.xlsx: final figure data for SSP245
  • pfts_revised.xlsx: data for figures with PFT-specific information
  • hurtt_lulcusa_ssp370.out.xlsx: land use and land cover data figures
  • lulcc_futures_figures_revised_new.pptx: final figure in paper
  • policy*.xlsx:  data for policy figures 7 and 8
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Lehigh University
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Earth and Environmental Sciences
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Felzer, Benjamin S. (2024). (1–). https://doi.org/10.18275/4
Felzer, Benjamin S. 2024. https://doi.org/10.18275/4.
Felzer, Benjamin S. 4 Mar. 2024, https://doi.org/10.18275/4.