14, Part 2: Incorporation of water into glasses and its influence on the diffusion of cations, including the creation of diffusion barriers

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14, Part 2: Incorporation of water into glasses and its influence on the diffusion of cations, including the creation of diffusion barriers
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Dieckmann, . R. (2005). 14, Part 2: Incorporation of water into glasses and its influence on the diffusion of cations, including the creation of diffusion barriers (1–). https://preserve.lehigh.edu/lehigh-scholarship/programs-events/international-materials-institute-new-functionality-glass-45-5-0
Dieckmann, Rüdiger. 2005. “14, Part 2: Incorporation of Water into Glasses and Its Influence on the Diffusion of Cations, Including the Creation of Diffusion Barriers”. https://preserve.lehigh.edu/lehigh-scholarship/programs-events/international-materials-institute-new-functionality-glass-45-5-0.
Dieckmann, Rüdiger. 14, Part 2: Incorporation of Water into Glasses and Its Influence on the Diffusion of Cations, Including the Creation of Diffusion Barriers. 26 June 2005, https://preserve.lehigh.edu/lehigh-scholarship/programs-events/international-materials-institute-new-functionality-glass-45-5-0.