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Students with emotional behavioral problems, particularly those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), experience a variety of difficulties in the areas of academic achievement and educational outcomes. As early as preschool, difficulties in the attainment of pre-academic skills and appropriate behavioral control are evident. The purpose of the present study was to identify whether there is a point in time at which academic achievement measures and ADHD symptoms become significantly correlated in a sample of preschool children identified as at-risk for ADHD who also received intervention. Correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analyses across three time points found parent ratings of social skills and direct observation variables were moderately correlated with measures of early reading and readiness skills. In addition, these variables best predicted performance on measures of early reading and readiness skills. Support for the hypotheses that differences would be found in the strength of the relationships between the variables as time increased and ADHD symptom variables would account for the greatest amount of variance in the prediction of academic achievement variables was not found.