About this Digital Document
I am thankful for my master's thesis committee from Illinois State University: Dr. Miranda Lin, Dr. Julie McGaha, and Dr. Susan Hildebrandt for their guidance and advice throughout this process. Thank you to my GSE family at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for pushing me look further and dive deeper into the salient issues, especially to my advisor Dr. Linda Herrera.
As globalization lessens the distance between peoples and diversifies the common classroom, teacher education programs lag behind in producing globally-minded educators. One approach used by some teacher education programs to remedy this issue is to offer international student teaching experiences. While the literature related to these programs is rather positive, information related to why students choose to participate in international student teaching experiences and the challenges they encounter while abroad is limited. This study attempts to fill this gap in the literature. Drawing on interview and documentation data from current (n=3) and former (n=2) participants, as well as two program administrators, this multiple-case study utilizes a cross-case analysis to draw conclusions within and between the cases. Programmatic recommendations that are applicable to both faculty members and study abroad professionals are included.