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<strong>Redefining Technology in Development Work: </strong> <strong>A Need for Learning Outcomes in ICT Projects</strong> Jayson W. Richardson Gregory C. Sales Technology has redefined, and will likely continue to redefine, educational processes and procedures around the world. In many development efforts, however, the focus is on the hardware, software, or professional development. Rare is the international development project focused on teaching and learning. In this special issue of the Forum for International Research in Education (FIRE), we propose a reframing of ICT by shifting the paradigm to focus on <strong>I</strong>nstructional quality, <strong>C</strong>urriculum development, and<strong> T</strong>eaching pedagogy. Thinking of ICTs in this I-C-T context moves the discussion away from the technology itself, and spotlights changing and improving teaching and learning. In this special issue the Information and Communication Technology for Development Special Interest Group (ICT4D SIG) of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), solicited articles that focus on improving and measuring teaching and learning outcomes in technology-focused development projects.