Etyma nominum propriorum, itemque analysis Hebraeorum, Syriacorum & Latinorum vocabulorum quae in novo Testamento uspiam accurrunt.
About this Binary
This title is bound with CongLib 1021 (1), ""Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum"".; Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 1021.
Pasor, . G. 1570- 1637., & Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity, former owner. (1622). (1–).
Pasor, George 1570-1637., and former owner. Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. 1622.
Pasor, George 1570-1637., and former owner. Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. 1622,