Moravian Archives Collections Excidium Germaniæ, das ist: gründlicher und warhaffter Bericht, wer daran Ursach, dass, zur Zeit des Alten Testaments, das Judenthum, und zur Zeit des Neuen Testaments, Deutschland, zum zehnfachen Sodom worden, etc. [With a preface by F. Breckling.]. Label : Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. #265. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Erasmi colloquia selecta : or, the select colloquies of Erasmus, with an English translation / Label : Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. #1026.; Inscription : Henry Garraway His Book [several variations].; Inscription : [various illegible inscriptions].; ESTC, View Item
Moravian Archives Collections August Gottlieb Spangenberg über die Worte Pauli : das Wort vom Kreuz ist eine Thorheit denen, die verloren werden; uns aber, die wir selig werden, ist es eine Gotteskraft. 1 Cor. I, 18. Label of Wm. G. Malin. [Malin 525].; Label : Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 1392 [CongLib 1392]. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections M. Avg. Gottl. Spangenbergs Declaration über die Zeither gegen uns ausgegangene Beschuldigungen : sonderlich die Person unsers ordinarii betreffend / Signature on front fly leaf: H. Nitschmann. [Cb cy.].; Signature on front fly leaf: Aug. H. Leibert, November 1886. [Cb cy].; Rubber stamp on title page: Alexander Clitsch, Pastor. [Cb cy].; Label of Wm. G. Malin. [Malin].; Label: Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity, no. 158 [CongLib 158] & no. 1519 [CongLib 1519 a-f].; CongLib 1519 (a) does not have a cover.; Signature on t.p.: John Wade [CongLib 1519 (a)].; Inscirption on t.p.: Fur bibliothec im [...] [CongLib 1519 (b)].; Signature on t.p.: N. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum : ubi omnium vocabulorum themata indicantur, & utraque tam themata quàm derivata grammaticè resolvuntur / Signature on t.p.: Pyrlaeus.; Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 1021.; Includes ""Index N. Test."" in Greek at end.; Contains also his: Etyma nominum propriorum. [CongLib 1021 (b)] View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Noth- und Hülfs-Büchlein : oder lehrreiche Freuden- und Trauer-Geschichte der Einwohner zu Mildheim. Fold. leaf titled ""Mildheimische Sittentafel"" is a taxonomy of duties divided into ""Die Pflichten aller Menschen"" and ""Die besonderen Pflichten."".; ""Register über beyde Theile""--p. 373-384.; T.p. in red and black with ill.; Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 1011. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Anleitung für den gemeinen Mann, in Absicht auf seine Gesundheit; oder gemeinnütziges und bewährtes Haus-Arzeney-Buch. At head of title: Herrn S.A.D. Tissot.; Label : Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. #1563.; Inscription : Ledig Schw. Haus Bethlehem. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Der Anfangs-Gründe aller mathematischen Wissenschaften / Vols. 2-4 have imprint: Halle in Magdeburgischen : Rengerische Buchhandlung.; Includes index.; Label: Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity, no. 830 [CongLib 830 (1)].; Label: Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity, no. 831 [CongLib 831 (2)].; Label: Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity, no. 832 [CongLib 832 (3)].; Label: Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity, no. 833 [CongLib 833 (4)].; Signature on t.p.: J. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Die Schule der reinen Liebe Gottes Eroffnet ... in dem Wunder Leben Einer armen unwissenden Weibs-Person. Label : Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. #1307.; Inscription : [various notes and corresponding page numbers]. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections M. Aug. Gottl. Spangenbergs Darlegung richtiger Antworten auf mehr als dreyhundert Beschuldigungen gegen den Ordinarivm Fratrvm: nebst verschiedenen wichtigen Beylagen. The work contains a separate title page with the heading ""Apologetische Erklärung über einige Beschuldigungen gegen den Ordinarivm Fratrvm."".; Label of Wm. G. Malin.; Bookplate: Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity [Cj 57]. No. 67 [CongLib 67 a-e], & No. 1516 [CongLib 1516 a-d].; Label of Edm. de Schweinitz. [Cj 57 cy.2].; Incription on inside front cover: Belonging to the United Brethren's Library in New York [CongLib 1516 (d)]. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Catechismus oder kurtzer Unterricht Christlicher Lehre, wie derselbe in denen Reformirten Kirchen und Schulen der Churfürstlichen Pfaltz, auch anderwärtlich, getrieben wird : mit Zeugnissen der heil. Schrifft erklärt und bestättigt. Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 282. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Le Nouveau Testament : c'est à dire La Nouvelle Alliance de nôtre Seigneur Jésus Christ / Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 243.; With: Les Psaumes de David, mis en vers Franc?ois et les cantiques sacrés revûs et approuvés par les pasteurs et professeurs de Genève. Basle : Jean Rodolphe Im-Hoff, 1744 View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Laws for the government of the Academy at Homerton. Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No.1261. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Predigten uber die Sonntags- und festtags-episteln enthaltend die evangelische Sittenlebre zu einer erbaulichen hausandacht in druck gegeben / Label : Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. #1512.; Inscription : Bibliothek in Bethlehem. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Etyma nominum propriorum, itemque analysis Hebraeorum, Syriacorum & Latinorum vocabulorum quae in novo Testamento uspiam accurrunt. This title is bound with CongLib 1021 (1), ""Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum"".; Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 1021. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections A star in the West : or, A humble attempt to discover the long lost ten tribes of Israel, preparatory to their return to their beloved city, Jerusalem / Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No.145.; Inscription : Presented to Bethlehem Library [?] 19. 1823.; Bookplate of G. William Riegel; Signature of John Chr. Kern. [Cn 241]. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Sound doctrine : extracted from the writings of the most eminent reformed divines, chiefly of the French Protestant Church. ""Translated from the French."".; Label : Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. # 1600.; Inscription : Belonging to the Brethren's Congregation in New York 1804. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Die Geschichte unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi aus den vier Evangelisten zusammengezogen. Signature inside front cover: Wm. Gavin, 1851.; Signature on t.p.: Paul Munster [?] [Ck cy.].; Purchased from estate of Mrs. Clarence Beckel, 5/9/61. [Ck cy.].; Signatures of F. H. Boehler and P.L. Zeist [1 Märtz 1769]. [Ck cy,].; Label of Library of Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its Vicinity. No. 155. [CongLib 156]. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Syllabus memorialis vocum græcarum Nov. Test. quo nomina et verba et horum tempora difficiliora nec non pleræque particulæ cum significatibus latinis exhibentur. Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 1053.; Signature on first page facing front cover: Krogshys. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Leabhraichean an T-seann Tiomnaidh agus an Tiomnaidh Nuadh : air an tarbuing o na ceud chanuinibh chum Gaelic Albanaich. The first edition of the Scriptures in Gaelic issued by the British and Foreign Bible Society.; The title-page states that the text of this Bible was taken from ""the last corrected edition of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge,"" i.e., from the editions of 1796 and 1807, but there are some slight deviations.; Text in double columns, with variant Gaelic readings arranged as footnotes. Last signatures: Old Testament, 4 L 6; New Testament, 5 O 4.; Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections La Sainte Bible ... Le tout reveu sur les originaux et retouché dans le langage, avec des paralleles et des sommaires par David Martin ... Avec une préface par Mr. Lenfant ... Nouvelle édition. Text of edition of Amsterdam, 1722.; Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 233 & 234. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections La Saine doctrine : tirée des écrits des plus célèbres docteurs de l'eglise réformée. Label of the Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. No. 289. View Item
Moravian Archives Collections The justice of the peace, and parish officer / Label : Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. #463-466.; Inscription : [illegible inscription in vol. 1].; Volumes 2-4 appear to have been released before volume 1. Cadell is listed as bookseller in 2-4, but as publisher and ""successor to Mr. Millar"" in volume 1.; ESTC, View Item
Moravian Archives Collections Fortsetzung von David Cranzens Brüderhistorie / Label : Library of the Congregation of U.B. of the Borough of Bethlehem and its vicinity. #1350.; Inscription : Gemein Bibliotheck in Bethlehem June 1878.-. View Item