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The letter is typed on John J. Pershing's personal letterhead.
Pershing replies to Richards' request that he deliver the Commencement Address at Lehigh University on June 9. Pershing declines the invitation, citing his commitment to complete work on a manuscript; he expresses that he "regret[s] exceedingly that my engagements will deprive me of the pleasure of being with you on this occasion." The manuscript Pershing refers to may be _My experiences in the World War_ published in 1931 by Frederick A. Stokes, a volume detailing his involvement in World War I as the Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces complete with maps and photographs. Prior to his assumption of these duties, Pershing served in wars with Mexico, Spain, Native American tribes, and the Philippine Islands. Richards was president of Lehigh when the first graduate degrees were awarded to women; he also oversaw construction of the Alumni Memorial Building, a memorial to alumni who served in World War I.
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