Image Sub-Collection William L. Estes, Jr. Diaries of Army Service in France This six-volume diary traces Estes’ time in Europe as an Army surgeon during WWI. The first volume of the diary begins on July 3, 1918, when Estes reports for duty in Allentown, Pennsylvania and ends on August 4, 1918 in France. Although the diary contains printed dates, Estes did not generally follow them. In addition, in much of first volume, Estes has written his entries on sheets of paper and pasted them directly over the original diary pages. View Sub-Collection
Image Sub-Collection Estelle Johnston Diaries Estelle Johnston (1867-1952) was a daughter of the prominent Bethlehem, Pennsylvania timber merchant family Brown-Borhek. She married Archibald Johnston, a Bethlehem Steel Company executive and the first mayor of Bethlehem on February 12, 1891 in the Central Moravian Church. They had three children, only two of which survived. Estelle’s diary details her daily activities in 1938. View Sub-Collection
Image Archival Collections Captain William Herman Wilhelm Journal, 1898-1902 William Herman Wilhelm (1867-1901) was born in Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania, the son of James Henry and Martha Weaver Wilhelm. He was educated at Ulrich's Preparatory School in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and then went on to Lehigh University in 1883. Wilhelm left Lehigh for the U.S. Military Academy and graduated from there in 1888. When war was declared against Spain, he became aide-de-camp to Brigadier-General Simon Snyder and accompanied him with the Army of Occupation to Cuba. View Item
Image Archival Collections Copy of Engineers Private Journal [on] Harlem Bridge, 1860-1861 This journal appears to be a unique record of daily on site observations and construction processes of the building of a second Harlem River bridge at the site of Third Avenue, County of New York (Manhattan). It contains copied documents such as the New York State Legislature's document Chapter 774 dated April 17, 1857 authorizing the building of a new bridge at the site, as well as the design requirements for the new bridge, removal of the previous bridge and the official appointment and acceptance letters of the chief engineer, William J. View Item
Image Archival Collections Benjamin LeRoy Miller Diary, 1891 Born in 1874, Benjamin LeRoy Miller was a Profess of Geology at Lehigh University from 1907-1944, having earned his A.B. from the University of Kansas and his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University. Before coming to Lehigh he taught at Penn College, Bryn Mawr, and briefly at Princeton. His diary, written when he was only 17, describes his life as a student in Kansas. It begins in Rock Creek, Kansas on January 1, 1891, and ends in Topeka, Kansas on December 31, 1891. Numbered pages 1-56 torn out from diary. Versos of inserts were not imaged. View Item