Delaware River Bridge Construction Photographs

About this Paged Content

The report is a presentation copy that was given to Edward Martin. Martin was a member of the Commission and Auditor General of Pennsylvania at the time of the bridge's construction. He later served as both Governor and United States Senator for Pennsylvania.

Full Title
Delaware River Bridge Construction Photographs
Member of
Delaware River Bridge Joint Commission of Pennsylvania and New Jersey?
SC Photo 0007
The collection is divided into two series. The photographs (Series I) are individually filed in polyester film sleeves held together in two three-ring binder boxes labeled Album 1 and Album 2 along with the black bound 21 page report (Series II).
Record Origin

Converted from Dublin Core to MODS during migration from CONTENTdm to Islandora

Delaware River Bridge Joint Commission, & (Photographer), G. A. W. (n.d.). Delaware River Bridge Construction Photographs (1–).
Delaware River Bridge Joint Commission, and George A. Wonfor (Photographer). n.d. “Delaware River Bridge Construction Photographs”.
Delaware River Bridge Joint Commission, and George A. Wonfor (Photographer). Delaware River Bridge Construction Photographs.