Image Photographs and Prints The lull in the fight. PLATE 34 A group of soldiers are relaxing along a fence during a break in the fight. They are engaging in activities such as smoking, conversing, playing cards, and cooking. Some men appear to be keeping watch while the others enjoy the lull. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints The picket line. PLATE 33 A line of soldiers patrol their lean-to camp located in a vast landscape. These soldiers are on picket duty, guarding the area outside of the main camp. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints Gone off with the Yankees ; A land flowing with milk and honey ; A scouting party ; An old campaigner. PLATE 32 Four vignettes about the American Civil War on one sheet. Summary from: Library of Congress Print & Photographs The first shows an abandoned house, belonging to a soldier; the second shows a man carrying a beehive and some men struggling to milk a cow; the third depicts a landscape with a party of men on horseback; and the fourth shows an experienced soldier with his horse. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints "Bummers" They're Johnnies as sure as you're born, boys! PLATE 39 Four men on horseback travel along a trail, aiming to forage for supplies and materials. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints The supply train. PLATE 31 Depicts a line of men and horse-drawn wagons transporting boxes of supplies View Item
Image Photographs and Prints The advance of the cavalry skirmish line. PLATE 37 Depicts a soldier on horseback, and a few others behind him. These men are skirmishers, who advance before the primary lines to determine enemy positions. Larger, tightly formed groups of soldiers are visible in the distance. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints Trading for coffee and tobacco. Between the fortified lines during a truce. PLATE 35 Some men from both the Confederate and the Union are trading for goods such as coffee and tobacco. The scene behind them is strewn with tree stumps, as the wood has been used for fires and fortification. In the distance, groups of men and clouds of smoke are visible. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints A halt for twenty minutes. PLATE 38 Lines of soldiers march back from the battlefields to take a break from combat. Many are seen lying down with their weapons propped up beside them. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints Going into action. PLATE 36 Soldiers mount their horses and prepare the cannons as the battle continues. A wall of smoke is before the men as their opponents fire. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints Newspapers in camp. PLATE 28 A group of men are gathered in camp, reading newspapers, smoking, and conversing. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints A watched pot never boils ; A hasty supper ; Drummer boys ; Played out. PLATE 29 Four vignettes showing army life at periods of rest. In the first, a young African American soldier has fallen asleep next to pot which has fallen off the campfire ; the second shows a group of men seated around a campfire ; the third shows three drummers at rest, two standing with their drums on their backs and the third seated on his drum ; the fourth shows two exhausted soldiers asleep next to a tree while their detachment marches off into the background. Summary from: Library of Congress Print & Photographs Collection. View Item