Image Sub-Collection Edwin Forbes Civil War Etchings Etchings created by Edwin A. Forbes depicting scenes from the American Civil War. View Sub-Collection
Image Sub-Collection Albany Water Works, 1835-1851 This collection of recorded history of the City of Albany’s water supply covers a period from 1835 to 1851. It contains eight printed pamphlets, one bound handwritten manuscript containing numerous pasted-in newspaper clippings, and a map in good condition. A map of the neighboring environs of Albany, New York, attributed to William J. McAlpine, a prominent civil engineer, is included with one of the pamphlets. Four pamphlets are printed by differentAlbany printers. View Sub-Collection
Image Archival Collections Photographs of Lehigh University Summer Inspection Tour 1922, 1922 This collection depicts a pioneering field trip made in 1922 by Lehigh's Mining Engineering department when they inspected assorted mines and civil engineering structures in Canada and the Northern United States. It consists of 127 black and white photographs, one map, two letters, and three decorative album covers. Thirty of the photographs are duplicated. One set of photographs were collected in 1964 and the larger set in 2011. View Item
Sub-Collection Archibald Johnston Home Videos Digitized films from the Archibald Johnston Papers. View Sub-Collection
Image Archival Collections Muster Roll of the German Regiment in Service of the United States The collection consists of three sheets of paper with indications of three folds: A Roll of the German Pennsylvania Regiment of Foot of Subsistence from June 1st 1778 to Nov. 1779 (on reverse side is added Philad'a); Muster Roll of the Field Staff and Commissioned Officers of the Ger. Reg't in Service of the United States, Commanded by Lt. Col. Weltner Taken for the months of July, Aug & Sept & Oct 1779 (on reverse written twice is the title); View Item
Image Sub-Collection SC Photo 0038 Frank Edgar Smith Jr. Photo Album Album contains black and white photographs of the family of Frank Edgar Smith Jr. and his time at Lehigh University and in its R.O.T.C. program. Mr. Smith graduated from Lehigh in 1942, entered the Army as World War II began and was killed defusing a bomb in 1943. View Sub-Collection
Image Sub-Collection Lehigh University Mustard & Cheese Drama Society Collection Photographs and programs from performances by the Mustard & Cheese Drama Society. View Sub-Collection
Image Archival Collections Photo Album of Hill-to-Hill Bridge Construction The images included in the album show surveyors, the construction site, equipment and workers. Workers at the site are seen looking over blueprints, using surveying equipment, posing together smiling at the camera. The last eleven pages of the album contain photos of the compiler's family and friends during college life, vacations, graduation. Mainly the photographs are attached to both sides of all the pages. The black paper pages are brittle and chipping. There are 223 photographs. View Item
Image Sub-Collection William L. Estes, Jr. Diaries of Army Service in France This six-volume diary traces Estes’ time in Europe as an Army surgeon during WWI. The first volume of the diary begins on July 3, 1918, when Estes reports for duty in Allentown, Pennsylvania and ends on August 4, 1918 in France. Although the diary contains printed dates, Estes did not generally follow them. In addition, in much of first volume, Estes has written his entries on sheets of paper and pasted them directly over the original diary pages. View Sub-Collection
Image Sub-Collection Estelle Johnston Diaries Estelle Johnston (1867-1952) was a daughter of the prominent Bethlehem, Pennsylvania timber merchant family Brown-Borhek. She married Archibald Johnston, a Bethlehem Steel Company executive and the first mayor of Bethlehem on February 12, 1891 in the Central Moravian Church. They had three children, only two of which survived. Estelle’s diary details her daily activities in 1938. View Sub-Collection
Image Archival Collections Estate documents of Harry E. Packer- Stock certificates 1881-1886 Stock certificates from the Estate of Harry E. Packer, deceased. View Item
Image Archival Collections Captain William Herman Wilhelm Journal, 1898-1902 William Herman Wilhelm (1867-1901) was born in Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania, the son of James Henry and Martha Weaver Wilhelm. He was educated at Ulrich's Preparatory School in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and then went on to Lehigh University in 1883. Wilhelm left Lehigh for the U.S. Military Academy and graduated from there in 1888. When war was declared against Spain, he became aide-de-camp to Brigadier-General Simon Snyder and accompanied him with the Army of Occupation to Cuba. View Item
Image Archival Collections Copy of Engineers Private Journal [on] Harlem Bridge, 1860-1861 This journal appears to be a unique record of daily on site observations and construction processes of the building of a second Harlem River bridge at the site of Third Avenue, County of New York (Manhattan). It contains copied documents such as the New York State Legislature's document Chapter 774 dated April 17, 1857 authorizing the building of a new bridge at the site, as well as the design requirements for the new bridge, removal of the previous bridge and the official appointment and acceptance letters of the chief engineer, William J. View Item
Image Archival Collections Benjamin LeRoy Miller Diary, 1891 Born in 1874, Benjamin LeRoy Miller was a Profess of Geology at Lehigh University from 1907-1944, having earned his A.B. from the University of Kansas and his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University. Before coming to Lehigh he taught at Penn College, Bryn Mawr, and briefly at Princeton. His diary, written when he was only 17, describes his life as a student in Kansas. It begins in Rock Creek, Kansas on January 1, 1891, and ends in Topeka, Kansas on December 31, 1891. Numbered pages 1-56 torn out from diary. Versos of inserts were not imaged. View Item
Image Sub-Collection Prints from Jeff Milet Papers Including George C. Izenour Documents - Collection 2 Seven prints depicting theaters from around the world. George C. Izenour collection I (see SC MS 0085) was donated by Lehigh University professor of Theater Jeff Milet in 1990s. This part of the collection (Collection II) had been used for teaching theater stage and set design by Professor Jeff Milet. View Sub-Collection
Image Digital Bridges Collection of Photographs Depicting Civil War Bridge Construction and Deconstruction with Book of Accompanying Descriptions Cover of descriptive text features Herman Haupt's handwritten note ""Photographs were taken by Capt A.J. Russell Chief of Photograph Corps. U.S. Military Railroads"" View Item
Image Archival Collections Colonial Iron Manufacture Ledger 1770-1773 Handwritten ledger documenting the shipment of pig iron from the Berkshire Furnace, John Patton, John Lesher, Henry Smith, to various forges in the vicinity of Reading, Pennsylvania among them the Charming Forge, Moselem forge, Tulpehocken Furnace. Journal provides the names of iron foundries, iron forges, individual clients and the men hauling the iron identifying several individual African-American cart-men. View Item
Image Photographs and Prints Construction of Bronx Public Works Photographs, 1893-1935 Collection of 696 black and white photographs records in detail the construction of the sewers and parkways in the Bronx during the formative years (1893-1935) of the rapid expansion of the City of New York. View Item
Image Sub-Collection Tamar E. Bair Photo Slides Photographic slides taken by Tamar E. Bair and donated by David Bair. Images show the city of Bethelehem in the 1960s and 1970s. Many of the photographs show the Bicentennial of the American Revolution parade and celebration. Construction and demolition projects are the city are also captured. View Sub-Collection
Image Sub-Collection Pottstown Machine Company Photographs This collection contains 366 photographs, a four-page inventory, and one advertisement. The photographs are black and white and vary in size. Almost all of the photographs are of machines manufactured by the company. Several include the interior of the company’s buildings and/or personnel. Many of the photographs have written and/or stamped information on the front and/or back. This information includes company names (possibly photographers or purchasers)and/or information about the actual machines. View Sub-Collection
Image Sub-Collection Lehigh Valley Railroad Land Documents The collection contains approximately 384 documents (deeds, titles, indentures, correspondence and leases) for anthracite coal lands, 40 envelopes, 20 maps, two pamphlets, one photogravure, and one large colored "painting." In general, the items are dusty, stained, crumpled, and some are very fragile.The earliest date mentioned in the documents is 1773 (Tomlinson survey of land) referred to in a later dated deed to the most recent items from the PecaCoal Company dated 1962. The bulk of the documents are land exchanges mostly in the 1850s to the 1890s. View Sub-Collection
Image Sub-Collection Harvey Denison Kitchel Micrographical Notes Notations of an amateur scientist whose profession and training was as a man of the cloth who acquired a fine microscope and was diligent in making observations of algae, mosses and blood of animals and humans. Reverend Kitchel made colored illustrations of his observations and consulted with others regarding his observations. He classed his observations as field notes. He and his family had a number of connections to Lehigh University. View Sub-Collection